Mindfulness is not a magic wand. It’s purposeful, present, non-judgmental awareness; embracing the present moment as it is. Innate yet cultivable through practice, shaping brain pathways and behaviors, it becomes a trait with practice. It’s not just about stress reduction.
Benefits of meditation and mindfulness practices for children: enhances executive brain functions including aiming attention, sustaining attention, memory, emotional regulation, and behavioral skills. Empowers choice over responses, fostering empathy, moral development and non-judgement. Instills kindness, compassion, and gratitude, promoting positive attitudes.
The present moment is the only moment we have to directly experience life, if we’re not present, we’re on auto pilot and missing the experience. If we’re not present, we’re repeating conditioned patterns. When we have charged emotional experiences, our frontal cortex tends to go offline; if we’re present we can be aware, and not get caught up with reactivity, and choose to respond in a more skillful manner.
Children can learn mindfulness from courses, school classes, embodiment from parents, and sensory experiences. Anything that brings attention to the present is an informal mindfulness exercise: focusing on breath, awareness of body, identifying emotions, focusing on the soles of the feet as you walk, mindful eating, sense of hearing/touch/smell, etc.
There’s no failing with this practice, as long as you’re with yourself as you are on that day.
Parents develop their practice through finding qualified teachers, attending programs, and forming a community of practice.
Mindfulness and meditation reduces anxiety and stress by allowing us to be present on what filters we are seeing the world through.
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