We need to take care of ourselves as parents first so we can be present for our kids. Mindful parenting starts with taking small steps towards your own personal well being.
We’ve under protected kids digitally and over protected them in the real world. Kids at times can feel that everything they do matters so much to mom or dad, that they don’t have the space to be themselves
We could spend half as much money on them, take them to half as many events, if we could be present and model for them how to move through difficult feelings; and be there for them in a grounding steady capacity when they have lots of feelings. What kids are missing is our ability to be steady and have that security in ourselves.
5 Easy Steps to turn fights & yelling into genuine hugs & positivity
Parent-Tested Scripts to calm the chaos, stop the eye-rolls (and maybe even get a high-five or two!)
How you can let them know that you've got their back in just 3 Breaths
Unlimited replays of all the recordings at your fingertips in both audio and video format for 1-year.
An Action Skillbook so you can start to implement right away
Help make the most from your experience at the Raising Resilient Children Masterclass Series.