Your heart is the core of who you are; practice more love, kindness, patience and compassion, for yourself and others.
Take brain breaks and integrate heart-focused breathing throughout the day to achieve heart coherence: hands over heart, deep breaths in (4-6 seconds) and out (4-6 seconds).
Consider heart-focused breathing (pause break) as a prep tool before seeing your child at the end of the day, or with your child when putting them to bed at night; emotions are contagious.
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The HeartMath Experience interactive video program is especially appropriate during these times of uncertainty and challenges for maintaining emotional balance, mental clarity and sustaining resilience. The content is uplifting and provides scientifically validated tools for managing stress and anxiety – which we need in these unprecedented times.
He regularly consults with educational professionals across North America to improve classroom climate and performance and has created and contributed to a number of educational curricula and programs aimed at improving social and emotional learning.
Unlimited replays of all the recordings at your fingertips in both audio and video format for 1-year.
An Action Skillbook so you can start to implement right away
Help make the most from your experience at the Raising Resilient Children Masterclass Series.